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News of the Faculty of Management and Economics
The joy of graduation fills the atmosphere of the Department of Accounting at the University of Bilad Rafidain

The joy of graduation fills the atmosphere of the Department of Accounting at the University of Bilad Rafidain

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The Business Administration Department celebrates the graduation of a new batch of its students in the atmosphere of joy and achievement ...

The Business Administration Department celebrates the graduation of a new batch of its students in the atmosphere of joy and achievement ...

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The Business Administration Department celebrates the graduation of a new batch of its students in the atmosphere of joy and achievement ... 

On a special day, it will remain engraved in the memory of students and their families, the Faculty of Administration and Economy - Department of Business Administration at the University of Bilad Rafidain celebrated on February 8, 2025, graduating a new batch of its students, during a festive atmosphere full of happiness and pride.

The ceremony witnessed the attendance of the dean of the college, Prof. Dr. Sami Al -Atbi, in addition to the teaching staff and the families of the graduate students, who shared their children the joy of achieving this distinguished scientific achievement.

Zagaride of the family came up and tears mixed with smiles, at a moment when the fruit of years of effort and diligence was embodied, as the students expressed their happiness on this day, which represents the beginning of their career in the world of management and business.

The ceremony concluded by taking a group photo that brought together graduate students with their professors and the dean of the college, in a scene that reflects the spirit of belonging to this distinguished academic edifice, and emphasized the university's commitment to graduating as competent cadres qualifying for the labor market, and is able to contribute effectively to advancing economic and administrative development.

It is noteworthy that the Department of Business Administration at the University of Bilad Al-Rafidain continues its distinguished academic career, by providing an advanced educational environment, which combines theoretical knowledge and practical application, to keep pace with the developments of the labor market and the requirements of the times.

 media and government communication

A scientific symposium entitled /// drug damage to the individual and society

A scientific symposium entitled /// drug damage to the individual and society

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  • 03:44:11
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Teaching A. M. Dr. Kamal Al-Naqeeb from the College of Administration and Economics... University of Bilad Al-Rafidain participates in the Fourth International Scientific Conference of the Ministry of Finance...

Teaching A. M. Dr. Kamal Al-Naqeeb from the College of Administration and Economics... University of Bilad Al-Rafidain participates in the Fourth International Scientific Conference of the Ministry of Finance...

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  • 03:12:10
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Teaching Dr. Kamal Al-Naqeeb from the College of Administration and Economics... University of Bilad Al-Rafidain participates in the Fourth International Scientific Conference of the Ministry of Finance... 

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Finance, Ms. Taif Sami Muhammad, the Financial and Accounting Training Center was established in the Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the College of Administration and Economics at Al-Mustansiriya University, the College of Administrative Technology at the Central Technical University, the College of Business Economics at Al-Nahrain University, and the Higher Institute for Accounting and Financial Studies inThe University of Baghdad and Assyria National University, with the support of the Central Bank of Iraq, held today, Tuesday, 24/12//2024, the sessions of the five themes included in the fourth annual international scientific conference under the title “Digital Financial Services - Challenges of Reality and Foreseeing the Future” in Baghdad, Iraq, on Tuesday and Wednesday, corresponding to 24 and 25For the month of December 2024, the teaching staff from the Accounting Department, College of Administration and Economics participated..University of Bilad Al-Rafidain Dr. Kamal Al-Naqeeb with Dr, Ammar Ghazi Al-Azzi, with a research entitled “The impact of the use of electronic payment on accounting treatments in light of the application of the unified accounting system in Iraqi public universities - a case study of Diyala University”

All the best and lasting success.

Media and government communication.

A workshop entitled: (Statistical Analysis Programme)...

A workshop entitled: (Statistical Analysis Programme)...

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On Saturday, the Continuing Education Center, in cooperation with the college of Administration and Economics/ Department of Business Administration at our university, held a workshop entitled:

 (Statistical Analysis Program.)..

 Managed the workshop.... 

1- Assistant lecture Mohamed Juma Samih

2-Assistant lecture Ahmed Khader Elias..

 Media and Government Communication

Department of Accounting... College of Administration and Economics... University of bilad Alrafdian... At the Accounting Departments Conference...

Department of Accounting... College of Administration and Economics... University of bilad Alrafdian... At the Accounting Departments Conference...

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  • 04:48:55
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Department of Accounting... College of Administration and Economics... University of Bilad Al-Rafidain At the Accounting Departments Conference...

The Accounting Department at the College of Administration and Economics... University of Bilad Al-Rafidain participated in the coordination meeting of the heads of accounting departments in Iraqi universities..

The meeting was held at the University of warth al-Anbiya in the Holy Governorate of Karbala on September 30, 2024... for consultation and coordination regarding the evaluation exam for the current academic year, as well as to study the Bologna path.

The university was represented by the two teachers, Dr. Kamal Al-Naqeeb and Assistant lecture Abdullah Mahmoud.

Professor Dr. Sami Al-Otbi, Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Bilad Al-Rafidain...He visits the Accounting Department

Professor Dr. Sami Al-Otbi, Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics at the University of Bilad Al-Rafidain...He visits the Accounting Department

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  • 01:04:55
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 Congratulations to them on the beginning of the new academic year 2024... 2025... 

 Lectures continue for the second, third, and fourth stages, in the presence of the department’s teaching staff...

The Dean of the College congratulated the students during his visit today, September 21, the beginning of the new academic year 2024.. 2025, wishing them a year full of success and success. He stressed the need for cooperation and commitment to the official working hours... and thanked all attendees for their commitment to the official working hours...

Media and public relations

A pause in mourning and reading Surah Al-Fatihah.

A pause in mourning and reading Surah Al-Fatihah.

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  • admin
  • 00:26:18
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Congratulations to the Accounting Department, its students graduate in 2023... 2024

Congratulations to the Accounting Department, its students graduate in 2023... 2024

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