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  • ا.د. كريم عاصي عبيد
  • Professor Doctor Kareem Assi Obaid
  • عميد : كلية التمريض
  • Dean : Collage of Nursing
  • البورد العربي (دكتوراة) في طب الاطفال
  • CABP , MD pediatrics
  • Research

    2013 Diyala Journal of Medicine
    Abstract Background: Maternal hypertension and preeclampsia are a multisystem, highly variable disorder unique to pregnancy and a leading cause of maternal and fetal/neonatal morbidity and mortality. Given the progressive nature of the disorder, delivery is often necessary to minimize maternal morbidity and mortality; obstetricians must balance the need for achieving in utero fetal maturation with the maternal and fetal risks of continuing pregnancy. Objectives: To evaluate the maternal burden and neonatal outcomes of infants delivered to mothers with preeclampsia, to review the outcomes of late-preterm infants, and potential strategies to optimize fetal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Materials and Methods: A cohort prospective study done in Albatool Maternity Teaching Hospital from October 2011 to April 2012 for 55 mothers coming for antenatal follow up how hypertension and preeclampsia had been followed till delivery with their delivered neonates looking for the maternal hypertension, medication, liver function, complete blood picture, complications of preeclampsia and neonatal condition at birth, weight, respiratory function, feeding, complete blood picture and liver function, small for gestational age (SGA), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and neonatal death (NND) . Results: Infants of women with preeclampsia were more likely to be SGA 27(49% ) and have RDS 6 (10.1%); Frequency of preterm delivery at <37 weeks' gestation rose greatly with increasing severity of maternal hypertension 16 (29%). Fetal distress was seen in 12 cases (21.8%) with meconium staining of liquor in 8 cases 14.5% ,33 neonates (60%) required admission for many reasons. Mothers with hypertension have high risk of ante partum hemorrhage 40(72%), 17 delivered normally (30%) while 38 delivered by caesarean section (70%). Conclusion: Compared with neonates delivered prematurely because of other etiologies, neonates born to preeclamptic mothers were more likely to be SGA and have less RDS, but had a decrease in mortality. This may be a reflection of the differences in the underlying pathophysiology behind indicated preterm birth due to preeclampsia. Key Words: Maternal hypertension, Neonatal outcome, Diyala province, Iraq.

    2019 Diyala Journal of Medicine
    Abstract Background: Dyspepsia is a common gastrointestinal problem that poses a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to the clinician because of the non-specific nature of the symptoms. Dyspepsia could be organic when a cause is found or functional (non-ulcer) when no cause is identified. Endoscopy is the gold standard in evaluating dyspeptic patients and various guidelines have been drawn to make the use of upper GI endoscopy more rational as the establishment of this procedure for every dyspeptic patient may not be practical. Objective: To evaluate the endoscopic findings in dyspeptic patients and to assess whether the major guidelines are applicable in our community. Patients and Methods: A prospective study, carried out in the upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy unit (using Pentax® 2015 endoscopy) at Baquba Teaching Hospital – Diyala- Iraq, from February 2017to October 2017 in which 120 dyspeptic patients (47male and 73 female) with age range 16-75 years were included. The patients were selected according to the guidelines. A standardized data collection form was completed for each patient. Results: One hundred and twenty patients enrolled in this study, 60.83% patients were female and 39.17% of patients were male, with female to male ratio of 1.55:1. Normal endoscopic finding was found in 40% of dyspeptic patients while clinically significant endoscopic findings were found in 60% of patients. Clinically significant endoscopic findings were more prevalent in older patients. The most common pathologic finding was duodenal ulcer in 18.33% % of patients followed by gastrits in 14.17%of patients and esophagitis in 10.33% of patients. Gastric cancer was proved by histopathology in 1.67% and esophageal cancer in one patient 0.83%. Conclusion: Dyspeptic symptoms are more common in female. Normal finding was found in 40% of dyspeptic patients (functional dyspepsia) while clinically significant endoscopic findings (organic causes) were found in 60% of the dyspeptic patients and most prevalent in elderly patients, with duodenal ulcer being the most common finding followed by gastrits and esophagitis. Gastric cancer was present in 1.67% and esophageal cancer in 0.83%. Keywords: Dyspepsia, upper gasroendoscopy diagnosis, Diyala province.

    2013 Diyala Journal of Medicine
    Abstract Background: exclusive breast feeding is recommended as the optimal way to feed infants especially for the 1st 6 month of life. While the overall breast feeding rate are high in the world all over, it is relatively uncommon among middle eastern women, there may be many factors affecting that. The objective of this study was to identify if the parental (maternal & paternal) education affect the using of breast feeding as the predominant way of infant feeding in people of Diyala province as a trial for discovering the factors affecting breast feeding practice in the society. Patient & method: This is a cross- sectional study conducted at Al- Batool Teaching Hospital for Maternity & Children from 1st of September 2011 – 1st of March 2012. Children of 1 yr old or less were included, a detailed feeding history & the level of education of both parents were taken. The sample was divided according to the type of feeding into 2 groups: predominantly breast fed babies & bottle fed babies, parental education level was divided into five classes. Analysis of data was done by using SPSS version 10, chi- square was applicated to find the association. Results: During the 6 month period of the study, 61 pairs of children were included, 61 of them were predominantly breast fed & the other 61 depended bottle feeding. Chance of breast feeding was increased with increasing of both maternal & paternal level of education, with p value of (0.07) & (0.011), respectively. Conclusion: Mother’s education may add something positive in their mind towards breast milk practice but it is not enough as a significant factor to encourage beast feeding. The state was different with father’s education, it significantly affect the decision to feed their babies breast milk. Key words: breast feeding, education, Diyala.

