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  • م.د.حيدر عبد الحافظ كرجي
  • Dr.Hayder Abdulhafedh Kurji
  • عميد : كلية الصيدلة
  • Dean : University Of Pharmacy
  • دكتوراه صيدلة سريرية
  • clinical pharmacy
  • News

    ( الوصمة الاجتماعية لمدمنين المخدرات و تأثيراتها على الأندماج المجتمعي )
    م.د.حيدر عبد الحافظ كرجي - 2025-02-08

    Social stigma of drug addicts and its effects on social integration

    ندوة علمية
    م.د.حيدر عبد الحافظ كرجي - 2025-01-28

    scientific symposium


    Syllabuses - 6
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    University Of Pharmacy four term 1 BH41BIOPHARM. 3 Biopharmaceutics
    University Of Pharmacy four term 2 BH42COMMU.SK. 2 Communication skill
    University Of Pharmacy five term 2 BH52The.Drug .drug mo.TDM) 3 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)
    University Of Pharmacy five term 2 BH52Hos.Train.hospita.Training 2 Hospital Training
    University Of Pharmacy five term 2 BH52Dos. form de. 2 Dosage Form Design
    University Of Pharmacy five term 2 BH52PHAR.Biotech. 1 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


    Lectures - 12
    year syllabuses Dep. Step Lectures
    2024-2025 Hospital Training University Of Pharmacy step 5 Gynaecology Lecture 1
    2024-2025 Communication skill University Of Pharmacy step 4 Introduction to communication skills
    2024-2025 Dosage Form Design University Of Pharmacy step 5 New drug development and approval process to rDNA
    2024-2025 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology University Of Pharmacy step 5 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Pharmacological Aspects
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 Adjustment in Renala nd Hepatic Disease Dose
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 Intravenous Infusion
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 Pharmacokinetics of Oral Absorption
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 Pharmacokinetics Models
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 physicochemical properties of drugs affecting on drug absorption
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 PASSAGE OF DRUGS ACROSS CELL MEMBRANES
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 Physiological factors influencing oral drug absorption
    2024-2025 Biopharmaceutics University Of Pharmacy step 4 Introduction to bio-pharmaceutics


    2022 HIV Nursing
    "VASP, an actin-regulatory protein family member, controls platelet adhesion. Ticagrelor isthe first member of a brand-new agent of chemicals, thecyclopentyltriazolopyrimidines, is Ticagrelor. ADP's prothrombotic effects can be prevented by Ticagrelor's ability to block the platelet P2Y12 receptor, just as the thienopyridines. Dissimilar the thienopyridines, which are irreversible inhibitors, reversibly binding to the P2Y12 receptor, Ticagrelor almost entirely blocks ADP-stimulated platelet aggregation, as demonstrated in vitro. Because it does not require metabolic activation, Ticagrelor is an alternative to the thienopyridines. All patients receiving Ticagrelor achieve adequate antiplateleteffects. Objective: Inthis study, we examined the roleof platelet reactivity index (PRI) in antiplatelet treatment and its association with vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) for Iraqi patient undergoing percutaneouscoronary intervention (PCI). Methods: In this study, patients who were eligible for PCI were included. At least two weeks after a 90-mg dose of ticagrelor was administered following PCI, blood samples were collected from patients. Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation assay (VASP-P) was used to detect the inhibition percentage of platelet adhesion. Consistently high or low levels of platelet activationon therapy can be identified by the evaluation ofplatelet reactive index (PRI) using the VASPELISA assay. Results: The body mass index (BMI) was significant higher in patients with coronary heartdisease contrasted to thecontrol group (P< 0.001). There was a significant difference inthe platelets count in patientswith coronary"

    2021 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
    "Background: Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs today. Rational use of antibiotics is extremely important as injudicious use can adversely affect the patient, cause emergence of antibiotic resistance and increase the cost of health care; Antibiotics resistance is out of the scope of this study. Methods: This study was carried out on (600) patients with age range (34.4±16.9 years), of both sexes; to whom ceftriaxone was prescribed for different medical and surgical causes that dispensed in private community pharmacy in Baquba, Diyala; over the period of four months. The selected patients were allocated into 2 groups: Group A (300) patients to whom ceftriaxone prescribed without clinical pharmacist intervention considering guidelines for antibiotic prescription, compared with group B (300) patients to whom Ceftriaxone prescribed with clinical pharmacist intervention depending on standard guideline. To each group the following information were collected: age, sex, diagnosis, number of days were ceftriaxone prescribed, dose given, laboratory tests done to patients during hospitalization and drug interaction if present in addition to other parameters designed according to this study. Results: Results obtained in this study showed that prescription of Ceftriaxone depending on clinical pharmacist intervention regarding standard guideline of antibiotic improve the Ceftriaxone true dose%, reduce occurrence of drug interaction (%), decrease significantly (P< 0.05) Ceftriaxone misuse ratio and significantly (P< 0.05) reduce amount and cost of Ceftriaxone prescribed per month. Conclusion: Strictly following clinical pharmacist intervention"

    2013 World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
    "Background: Obesity is associated with both increased breast cancer risk and poorer prognosis after disease onset. However, little is known about the effect of obesity on treatment efficacy. Women who are obese continue to have higher levels of estrogen than women of normal weight even after treatment with hormone- suppressing drugs ,raising the possibility that they might benefit from modification or changes to their treatment. Objective: The aim of this work is to study the effect of body mass index on biochemical, hematological, trace elements, and estrogen level of obese and non-obese Iraqi postmenopausal women with breast cancer in comparison with postmenopausal obese and nonobese women who had no breast cancer. Material and Methods: A hospital based case control study was carried out at Baquba Teaching Hospital, Diyala, Iraq. The analysed variables were age, metabolic profile including total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-C, blood sugar, total protein , albumine, urea, uric acid, Ca, Na, Cl, phosphate, heamatological parametes, zinc, copper and selenium. Descriptive statistics and testing of hypothesis were used for the analysis usingMean± SD testP≤0.05. Results: lipid profile showed significant variability among studied group in this study, also fasting blood sugar showed significant differences between groups, serum estradiol highly increased in postmenapausal obese with breast cancer, significant hematological variations had been seen among studied groupps; serum cupper increased in obese breast cancer while zinc ,selenium decreased, serum k highly increased in postmenapausal obese breast cancer. Conclusions: From this study, we can interested with several mechanisms involved in pathogenesis of breast cancer, from which we can evaluate the treatment of breast cancer including hormonal therapy especially in obese postmenopausal women which may required modification in treatment protocols to improve outcomes ."

    2009 Diala, Jour, Volume, 37, 2009
    "Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs today. Rational use of antibiotics is extremely important as injudicious use can adversely affect the patient, cause emergence of antibiotic resistance and increase the cost of health care; Antibiotics resistance is out of the scope of this study. Methods: This study was carried out on (686) patients with age range (39.4±20.9 years), of both sexes; to whom cefotaxime was prescribed for different medical and surgical causes in Baquba Teaching Hospital-Diyala; over the period of three months. The selected patients were allocated into 2 groups: Group A (650) patients to whom cefotaxime prescribed without considering any guidelines for antibiotic prescription, compared with group B (36) patients to whom cefotaxime prescribed depending on standard guideline. To each group the following information were collected: age, sex, diagnosis, number of days were cefotaxime used, dose given, laboratory tests done to patients during hospitalization and drug interaction if present in addition to other parameters designed according to this study. Results: Results obtained in this study showed that prescription of cefotaxime depending on standard guideline of antibiotic improve the cefotaxime true dose%, reduce occurrence of drug interaction (%), decrease significantly (P< 0.05) cefotaxime misuse ratio and significantly (P< 0.05) reduce amount and cost of cefotaxime prescribed per month. Conclusion: Strictly following standard guidelines for antibiotic prescription; and involvement of clinical pharmacist in the team work improve therapeutic process outcome, prevent many "

    2019 World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
    "Introduction: The kidney is the main site for the synthesis of Erythropoietin, which represents the circulating hormone responsible for stimulatory effect on bone marrow for the erythropoiesis. In case of chronic kidney disease (CKD), Erythropoietin deficiency is the main cause of anemia. Erythropoietin synthesis by DNA technology results in revolution in the management strategies of anemia in CKD. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different doses (different serum concentration) of erythropoietin on anemia treatment outcome in different stages of renal disease. Material and methods: this prospective study was conducted on 245 patients categorized into three groups according to their stage of renal disease. Serum concentration of Erythropoietin, HGB, Transferrin, Ferritine, RBC, and hsCRP were measured using spectrophotometric and immunochemical procedures. Results: There was a significant reduction in hematocrit, HGB in patients with advanced stage kidney disease in comparison to early stage p=0.00567, p=0.00533. Transferrin was significantly less in stage V in comparison to early stage of renal disease p=0.00635. Ferritin was significantly higher in stage V comparing to that of early stage of renal disease. Serum concentration of erythropoietin was directly correlated with hematocrit and Hb in early stage of renal disease EP0 R² = 0.597 Hct, R² = 0.674 HB, whereas, in patients with stage 5 renal disease, erythropoietin is poorly correlated with hematocrit and Hb, EP0 R² = 0.05353 Hct R² =0.064 HGB. Conclusion: Advanced renal failure is associated with lack of erythropoietin and consequently result in severe anemia. The stimulatory effect on bone marrow by erythropoietin is reduced with progression of renal disease."
