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  • م م رياحين غازي رشيد
  • Assistsnt teacher ryaheen ghazi rashid
  • تدريسي : طب الاسنان
  • Teaching : Collage of Dentistry
  • ماجستير اشعه الفم والوجه والفكين
  • M.Sc. in oral and maxillofacial radiology
  • drrayaheen@bauc14.edu.iq
  • rayahenghazi@gmail.com
  • المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها - 2
    القسم المرحلة الفصل رمز المقرر الوحدات توصيف المقرر
    طب الاسنان المرحلة الثالثة فصل اول 4 اشعة الفم
    طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى سنوي 4 التشريح العام General Anatomy

    المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 2
    العام المقرر القسم المرحلة المحاضرة
    2024-2025 التشريح العام General Anatomy طب الاسنان المرحلة الاولى General Anatomy all lectures
    2024-2025 اشعة الفم طب الاسنان المرحلة الثالثة علم الاشعة


    2015 J Bagh College Dentistry
    Background: The incisive canal is an anatomical structure with an important location in the anterior maxilla, analyzing this canal and its relation to the bone anterior to the canal is necessary during dental implant. Aim of this study is evaluated effect of gender, age and tooth loss in area of maxillary central incisors teeth on the dimensions of incisive canal and buccal bone anterior to the canal using spiral computed tomography. Materials and Methods: Sample consists of prospective study for 156 subjects for both gender, they divided into two groups, 120 dentate group (60 male and 60 female) with age ranging from (20-70) and 36 edentate group (with missing maxillary central incisors) (18 male and 18 female) with age ranging from (50-70). All subjects attended to Baquba teaching general hospital in Diyala for computed tomography scan investigation for different diagnostic purposes. The following were measured and recorded from sagittal section of CT for analysis 1-diameter and length of incisive canal.2- distance and length of buccal bone anterior to canal. Result: Gender had effect on the dimensions of incisive canal and buccal bones anterior to this canal, the mean values begin higher in male as compared to female. Dental status had effect on incisive canal length and buccal bone dimensions, mean values is higher in dentate than in edentate group, canal diameter remain unchanged with dental status. Age had no effect on all selected measurements in study sample. Duration of maxillary central incisors teeth loss had effect on canal length and buccal bone dimensions mean values begin lower in long duration than that in short duration while it had weak effect on incisive canal diameter. Conclusion: Gender and dental status are important factors that can affect incisive canal and amount of bone anterior to canal

    2023 HIV nursing journal
    Background: Just above the mental spine on the back of the mandible's symphysis is a small midline aperture called the lingual foramen. Evaluation the anatomical variation of this foramen and its canal are crucial in the course of surgical and implant procedure. The aim of this study is to locate the lingual foramen and associated canal in the Iraqi population using cone-beam computed tomography and to estimate how gender and age affect these structures. Material and method: this cross sectional study was conducted using 73 CBCT images from the radiology archive in specialties dental center in baquba-diyala. The length of lingual canal, diameters and its location according to alveolar crest, inferior border of mandible and buccal plat were assessed. These measurements were categorized by age and gender. Result: age between (20-40) years old had no effect on lingual foramen and its canal, while age over 40 years old had effect on lingual foramen and its canal with P value (0.008). There was no significant relationship between the lingual foramen and gender except the distance between terminal end of canal at lingual end and alveolar crest with a P value of (0.002) and the distance between the lingual canal's terminal end at buccal end and alveolar crest with P value (0.002) with mean value higher in male as compared to female. Conclusion: age had no effect on lingual foramen and its canal except age over 40 years old which had significant effect on the selected anatomical measurements of these structures, while gender had high effect on the distance between the alveolar crest and the lingual foramen at buccal and lingual end, as a result, gender must be taken into account when making implant in anterior mandible. Keywords: lingual foramen; lingual canal; computed tomography

    2024 journal of angiotherapy
    Background: The mandibular foramen (MF) is a key anatomical feature of the mandible, critical for dental and surgical procedures due to its role in housing the inferior alveolar nerve, artery, and vein. Accurate localization of the MF is challenging, often necessitating the use of anatomical landmarks during procedures to prevent complications, such as nerve damage. Methods: This study analyzed the position of the MF using panoramic images reconstructed from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The sample included 56 dentate patients, comprising 22 males and 34 females aged 20-55 years. Linear measurements from the MF to various anatomical landmarks were taken, and statistical analysis was conducted using the T-test and ANOVA to assess the impact of gender, age, and side of the mandible on MF positioning. Results: The study found no significant gender differences in the distances from the MF to the mandibular notch (N-MF), the anterior border of the ramus (A-MF), and the inferior border of the mandible (I-MF). However, significant gender differences were observed in the distance from the MF to the posterior border of the ramus (P-MF). Age also significantly affected the P-MF distance, while side comparisons showed no significant differences in MF positioning between the right and left mandibles. Conclusion: The findings indicate that while most MF measurements are consistent across genders and ages, the P-MF distance varies significantly, necessitating personalized approaches in dental and surgical procedures to ensure precision and minimize complications. These insights into MF positioning enhance the effectiveness of clinical practices involving the mandibular foramen. Keywords: Mandibular foramen, Inferior alveolar nerve block, CBCT imaging, Anatomical landmarks, Gender and age differences.

    Government officials, healthcare providers, and scientists continue their efforts to identify and find ways of treatment regarding the coronavirus infection (CoV), also known as Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. This is due to the fact that the COVID-19 infection is ongoing and there is a possibility of new infections or new waves of disease. In addition to this possibility, there is also the continuity of the COVID-19 infection (SARS-CoV-2). Researchers have a pressing need for adequate biomarkers that are associated with the progression of SARS-CoV-2 in order to stratify patients who are at high risk. Because the disease can spread so rapidly, patients need to be classified into risk groups as soon as possible after their diagnosis in order to make the most efficient use of available resources. In addition, new markers are required in order to identify patients who have a rapid progression of their disease, which can lead to death or a serious infection. It is essential to gain a comprehension of the viral pathogenetic mechanisms, as well as the cellular and organ damage, prior to the discovery of novel biomarkers. The clinical management, screening, and prevention of serious complications could all be improved with the use of reliable biomarkers. To effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic, future prevention, prompt diagnosis, superior treatment, and precise detection are not only extremely important but also have the potential to assist in reducing the spread of the virus. According to the conventional medical consensus, biomarkers play a very important role in the prompt detection of the etiology, treatment, diagnosis, and prognosis of a disease. This work discusses emerging and known biomarkers for detecting SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics, prognosis, and treatment in order to assist the numerous innovations and investigations that are currently taking place.
