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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الطبية والصحية

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Molecular study of TP53 exon 5 and their role in P53 expression in patients with colorectal carcinoma
2023 AIP
Colorectal cancer is one of most common cancers that cause death, it consider third cause for death. Among the gastrointestinal tract cancers, it is more common in Europe and United States of America than Affrica and Asia. The aim of current study to investigate the association between any molecular aberration in Tp53 gene, exon 5 and mutant p53 protein expression in colorectal carcinoma development. Methods. The current study had two lines: molecular studies in the biology department of the Faculty of Sciences / University of Kufa, and immunohistochemical studies in the histopathology department of the Faculty of Medicine / University of Kufa. The current study was conducted between December 2019 and March 2021. The Scientific Ethical Committee's consents were obtained from all participants' prior to the collection of samples.
Molecular study of PIK3CA exon 20 and their role in PIK3CA expression in patients having colorectal carcinoma
2023 AIP
Colorectal carcinoma one of most incidence and dangerous cancer around the world. The aim of current study to investigate the association between any molecular aberration in PIK3CA gene, exon 20 and PIK protein expression in colorectal carcinoma development. Methods; The current study achieved in two lines, Molecular study which achieved in advanced researches laboratory in biology department, Faculty of Sciences / University of Kufa, while immunohistochemical study was achieved in histopathology department, faculty of Medicine / University of Kufa. Only Iraqi patients were included in the current study who diagnosed through period extend from 01 December 2019 to 30 February 2021 and any patients diagnosed before or after this period were excluded. Also any samples without case report were excluded. The present study included 103 cases divided into two groups, patients group were included 50 cases with colorectal carcinoma(adenocarcinoma) and 53 cases with other non-adenocarcinoma such as hyperplastic polyp and colitis. According to gender, a study was included 61 male and 42 female. According to patients ages. the average was(50-89) years. The samples were collected from AL-Sader medical city in AL-Najaf province and Medical city in Baghdad province. Blood samples and tissues samples were collected from each 103 patients after enter the hospital(s) and have report of colonoscopy or CT-scan. blood samples were used in molecular line to (DNA extraction and sequencing). Tissues sample were confirmed by H&E examination and from these 102 cases only 50 cases with and other cases were excluded from a study. Breast carcinoma used as positive control for PIK3CA. Results: 27 cases (54%) given positive for staining with PIK3CA antibodies, but with normal genotype in sequencing. Therefore, there was no any correlation between colorectal carcinoma development and any aberration in PIK3CA gene –Exon 20 in current study. According to relation between colorectal carcinoma grades and positive and negative for PIK3CA, 15 cases(44%) in grade I, 8 cases (67%) in grade II and 4 cases (100%) were given positive for PIK3CA. There is positive correlation between grades and both ages and positive and negative cases( P =0.173 and sig=0.229) (P 0.312, sig 0.027) respectively. while, Negative correlation found between gender with both age and grades (p= -0.304, sig= 0.032) (P -0.365, sig=0.009) respectively. Also the negative correlation found between positive or negative cases for PIK3CA with both age and gender (P -0.196, sig 0.172)(P -0.201, sig 0.162) respectively. Conclusion: Due to relation between molecular study of PIK3CA Exon 20 and IHC study of PIK3CA expression, we don't found any relation between PIK3CA expression in patients with colorectal carcinoma and genetic aberration in PIK3CA gene, exon 20. According to relation between PIK3CA score index and grades, increase in PIK3CA score index directly Proportional with advance in grade of colorectal carcinoma. According to grades and cases with positive or negative cases, found numbers of cases that give positive for PIK3CA Abs increase with advance in grades.., There is positive correlation between grades and both ages and positive and negative cases for PIK3CA. while, Negative correlation found between gender with both age and grades. Also the negative correlation found between positive or negative cases for PIK3CA with both age and gender.
Honey Allergy, First Documentation in Iraq – A Case Report
2022 Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Honey one of honeybee product that consider main food in many meals and have vital role in treatment a lot of medical problems. However, can be consider source of problems to human being around the world. Although the case of honey anaphylaxis very rare but so dangerous and may be life-threatening. In Iraq, I investigated and documented one case with honey allergy by skin prick-prick test. A patient with honey allergy has symptoms from mild to severe complications. Medical centres have no any background about this type of allergy, therefore it important to explain this case to prevent mis-diagnosis.
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الطبية والصحية

أ.د.كريم هنيكش حسن (5 بحث)
Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies
"Abstract Purpose: Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle (ZnO NPs) production has become more common because of the benefits of the green strategy, which include its ease of use, environmental friendliness, and cheap operating costs. In order to accomplish the goal of green chemistry, the green synthesis process also uses safe solvents like water and ethanol. ZnO NPs are among the metal oxide-NPs used in antibacterial and bioremediation applications. Materials and Methods: Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) were used to analyze the green-produced ZnO NPs. Results: ZnO nanoparticles have an average size of 22.89 nm, which is corroborated by FESEM pictures, indicating that the particles are tiny. The excellent purity of ZnO NPs has been confirmed by EDX data. The antibacterial activity of ZnO NPs was assessed against a few dangerous pathogens. Zinc oxide nanoparticles were shown to have an interesting antibacterial action against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria at micromolar concentrations because they exhibit the maximum diameter of inhibition zone at concentrations 100 mg/ml of S. aureus, E. coli, K. pneumonia, Acintobacret spp, S. fecalis reaching (27,19,18,17, and 14) mm, respectively while S. pneumonia were resistant.The ZnO NPs recorded at a concentration of 12.5 mg/ml lowest areas of the inhibition zone against the same isolates reaching (16, 11, 11, 12, and 10) mm while S. pneumonia were resistant, respectively, as well. Conclusion: ZnO NPs, since they have excellent antibacterial properties, and are biocompatible, they will open up a new line of inquiry for antibacterial agent research because they are stable, nontoxic, and harmless. "
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Assessment of Cobalt II Adsorption Using Green Synthesized NiO/γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles
2024 Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología – Serie de Conferencias. 2025; 4:1167
"ABSTRACTIntroduction: disposal of heavy metals into the water as a result of industrial development might cause a threat Health and the environment. aim of this study was to assess the uptake of Co2+ from aqueous solutions via NiO/ γ-Al2O3 nano catalysts. Method: the main variables that affect the percentage of metal removal were assessed. It took about 50 minutes to attain equilibrium for the elimination of Co+2 ions. It was discovered that raising the adsorbate concentration and increasing the surface weight somewhat lowered the removal of cobalt ions. Results: the removal of cobalt ions was shown to depend on temperature, due to ecothermic natural of this prosess increasing temperature associated with decrease the elimination.Conclusions: the adsorption seems to be spontaneous, exothermic, and less random according to calculated values of the thermodynamic functions (∆G, ∆H, and ∆S) of the adsorption. After the data were fitted into a number of kinetic models, including the Elovich model, pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, and intraparticle diffusion equations, it was discovered that the pseudo-second-order model performed the best at describing the adsorption, with a high correlation factor (R2).Keywords: Thermodynamics; Kinetics; Adsorption; Cobalt II; Nio/Γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles.RESUMENIntroducción: la eliminación de metales pesados en el agua como resultado del desarrollo industrial puede causar una amenaza para la salud y el medio ambiente.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la absorción de Co2+ de soluciones acuosas a través de nanocatalizadores de NiO/γ-Al2O3.Método: se evaluaron las principales variables que afectan el porcentaje de eliminación de metales. Se tardó aproximadamente 50 minutos en alcanzar el equilibrio para la eliminación de iones Co+2. Se descubrió que aumentar la concentración de adsorbato y aumentar el peso de la superficie reducía un poco la eliminación de iones de cobalto.Resultados: se demostró que la eliminación de iones de cobalto depende de la temperatura, debido a la© 2025; Los autores. Este es un artículo en acceso abierto, distribuido bajo los términos de una licencia Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) que permite el uso, distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio siempre que la obra original sea correctamente citada 1Bilad Alrafidain University College, Pharmacy Department. Diyala, Iraq.2Al-Nisour University College, Pharmacy Department. Baghdad, Iraq.3AL-Manara College For Medical Science, Pharmacy Department, Amarah, Iraq.4College of Pharmacy, Al-Zahraa University for Women, Department of Pharmacology and toxicology, Karbala, Iraq.5Middle Technical University, Baqubah Technical Institute, Diyala, Iraq.Cite as: Hassan KH, Al-hussaniy HA, Ibraim Oraibi A, Bashar Al-Qazzan M, Zainee HY, Al-Jashamy K, et al. Thermodynamic and Kinetic Assessment of Cobalt II Adsorption Using Green Synthesized NiO/γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias. 2025; 4:1167. https://doi.org/10.56294/sctconf20251167Submitted: 26-02-2024 Revised: 12-08-2024 Accepted: 22-12-2024 Published: 01-01-2025Editor: Prof.Dr. William Castillo-González Corresponding author: Hany A Al-hussaniy "
Corrosion prevention of AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy in acidic media using Cydonia Vulgaris leaves extract
2023 International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition
Abstract: Aluminum is widely used as a material in automobiles, aviation, household appliances, containers, and electronic devices The resistance of aluminum against corrosion in aqueous media can be attributed to the rapid formation of oxide films on the surface. However, aluminum gets easily corroded in the presence of corrosive acids. Studies of the corrosion behavior of aluminum in different aggressive environments have continued to attract attention because of its important applications. The study of Cydonia Vulgaris leaves extract (CVL) as a corrosion inhibitor for AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy in 1 M H3PO4 acid solution using weight loss method was investigated at 25, 35, 45 and 55°C. The results revealed that CVL leaves in 1 M acidic environment decreased the corrosion at various concentrations considered. Higher inhibition efficiency for AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy of up to (94.58%) was produced at a higher levels of inhibitor concentrations and temperatures. The adsorption of CVL extracts was found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. The values of the free energy of adsorption were more than –20 kJ/mol which is indicative of a mixed mode of physical and chemical adsorption. Activation enthalpy (ΔH*) and activation entropy (ΔS*) of AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy corrosion was found to be (48.7570 kJ·mol–1), (–0.1782 kJ·K–1) and (31.9920 kJ·mol–1), (–0.1873 kJ·K–1) in the absence and presence of the extract, respectively.
أ.م.د.محمد ذياب حمد (1 بحث)
Incidence and risk factor of upper limb lymphedema in breast cancer patients after surgery
2024 Journal of Krishna institute of medical science University
"Background: Upper limb lymphedema is a common and troublesome complication that follows breast cancer surgery. Aim and Objectives: To find the incidence and identify risk factors for the development of upper limb lymphedema among patients treated for breast cancer. Material and Methods: This was a prospective observational study of 135 patients who underwent different breast cancer surgeries for invasive breast cancer. A description of the patients' demographics and details related to the tumour and axillary clearance were recorded. Using the circumference measurements, lymphoedema was defined as a difference in volume of - 200 ml between the two arms after six months of surgery. Results: Age, type of surgery (mastectomy versus breast preserving surgery), and adjuvant radiotherapy were not risk factors for lymphedema (p = 0.9977, 0.7794 and 0.852 respectively).A significant correlation was found between BMI above 25 kg/m', advanced stage, higher number of excised lymph nodes and more than 5 involved lymph nodes, and the development of lymphedema (p =0.0001, 0.002, 0.01 and 0.009 respectively). Positive lymph nodes was a powerful predictor of lymphedema (p = 0.0003). Conclusion: Lymphedema can affect every third patient who is operated on for breast cancer. Advanced stage, increased BMI above 25 kg/m, increased number of excised lymph node together with increased number of involved lymph nodes, are significant risk factors for breast cancer related lymphedema"
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م.د ساره عادل عثمان (1 بحث)
comparative evaluation of labetalol and remifentanil for inducing hypotension on oncological patient undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery
2024 oncology and radiotherapy
remifentanil is prefered over labetalol in case of inducing hypotension because less side effect
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م.د علياء حميد صالح (2 بحث)
Comparative Analysis of Labetalol and Remifentanil for Inducing Hypotension in Oncological Patients Undergoing Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
2023 Scopus
Surgical procedures involve head and neck had propensity to bleed because rich blood supply. Aim of study was to compare using labetalol and remifentanil to create controlled hypotension during Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) among Iraq patients. Methods: In this prospective randomized clinical trial 40 patients underwent FESS under general anesthesia at Ghazi Al Harerri hospital, Baghdad Iraq. Patients were divided into two groups; the Labetalol Group (LG) received 20 mg bolus dose during 2 min followed by 0.5 mg/min-2 mg/min by infusion pump, and the Remifentanil Group (RG) received 0.5 mcg/kg/min -1 mcg/kg/min during 30 sec. Then infusion was given at rate of 0.25 mcg/kg/min-0.5 mcg/kg/ min. Hemodynamic parameters during anesthesia were measured, complication and surgeon satisfaction rate was recorded. Results: hemodynamic parameters are compared in both groups at different time of study [55 min duration of surgery]. The mean of systolic blood pressure are significant at min 55 when P value [0.002] and the mean of diastolic blood pressure are significant at min 10,15,55 when P value[0.03, 0.05,0.02] respectively while the mean of pulse rate was significant at min 45 when P value[0.05], the mean differences in mean arterial blood pressure was significant at min 55 when P value (0.001), but mean of ETCO2 and SPO2 are insignificant between groups. Surgeon satisfaction score is better in remifentanil group when P value [0.006] with less complication in the same group Conclusion: With infusion of labetalol and remifentanil, we can induce effective controlled hypotension with both drugs, but remifentanil as sole agent is better with short action and rapid recovery time and less complication with better surgeon satisfaction score over labetalol but economically labetalol is better.
Enhancing oncology and radiotherapy practice: The advantages of propofol and fentanyl in curettage procedures
2023 Scopus
Propofol and fentanyl have broadly used alone or in combination to induce sedation or anesthesia. The current study aims to assess the additive impact and economic benefit of using combination of propofol and fentanyl in elective curettage cases in Iraq. A total of 75 women were recruited to perform clinical trial between 1st January and 10th March 2023 at the department of gynecology and obstetrics in the Baghdad teaching hospital, Iraq. The sample was subdivided equally into three groups and received different doses of propofol alone (GI), Fentanyl alone (GII), and combination of propofol and fentanyl (GIII) respectively. The dose required for propofol to induce general anesthesia declined to 1.4 mg/kg -1.5 mg/kg instead of 2.5mg/kg, and 2 µg/kg instead of 8 µg/kg for fentanyl in the combination. Out of 25 cases, 19 (76%) patients being unconscious in a time of two minutes as a result of additive effect. Moreover, the cost evaluation showed a cost saving of USD 0.09/minute for every operated curettage weighing 65kg and average surgical time of 21.57+11.06 minutes. The combination of propofol and fentanyl is effective for sedation and anesthesia and cost saving.
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الطبية والصحية

ا.م.د.احمد محمد شنو (15 بحث)
H2S gas sensitivity of PAni nano fibers synthesized by hydrothermal method
2018 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
In this work, PAni nanofibers (NFs) are successfully synthesized via hydrothermal method. The structural, surface morphological, optical, electrical and H2S gas sensing properties have been investigated for PAni thin films deposited by spin coating technique. The XRD pattern reveals crystalline nature of PAni NFs with crystallite size of 9.2 nm. The SEM image of Polyaniline clearly indicates that the polymer possesses nanofiber like structure. The optical properties show that the optical energy gap follows allowed direct electronic transition calculated using Tauc’s equation. Intense photoluminescence (PL) peaks at 309, 340 and 605 nm are observed. The electrical properties such as D.C. conductivity and Hall effect have been studied where D.C. conductivity shows reversible insulator-to-metal electrical behavior. Hall measurements for PAni reveal p-type conductivity. The H2S toxic gas sensing properties of PAni NFs thin film are investigated as a function of time and operating temperature. High sensitivity (528%) was achieved at operating temperature of 200 °C with fast response and recovery times.
Effect of Aqueous Solution Molarity on Structural and Optical Properties of Ni0.92Co0.08O Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Method
2015 International Journal of Thin Films Science and Technology
Abstract: In this study, Ni0.92Co0.08O thin films with different molarities (0.05M, 0.1 M, 0.15M and 0.2 M) have been successfully deposited on glass substrates by chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique at substrate temperature of (400 oC) and thickness of about 300 nm. The structural and optical properties of these films have been studied using XRD, AFM, and UV-Visible spectroscopy. The XRD results showed that all films are polycrystalline in nature with cubic structure and preferred orientation along (111) plane. The crystallite size was calculated using Scherrer formula and it is found that the 0.2M has maximum crystallite size (49.51nm). AFM results showed homogenous and smooth thin films. The absorbance and transmittance spectra have been recorded in the wavelength range of (300-900) nm in order to study the optical properties. The optical energy gap for allowed direct electronic transition was calculated using Tauc equation and First derivative of absorbance with respect to energy of photon. It is found that the band gap decreases when the molarity increases and the band gap values ranges between 3.60 eV and 3.54 eV for the prepared thin films. The Urbach energy increases as the molarity increases and the Urbach energy values range between 439 meV and 680 meV. The optical constants including (absorption coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant) were also calculated as a function of photon energy. Refractive index and extinction coefficient for the prepared thin films were estimated as a function of wavelength.
Effect of Co doping on structural and optical properties of NiO thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method
2015 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
In this work, nickel-cobalt oxide (Ni(1-x)CoxO) thin films, where x = 0, 4, 6 and 8 % have been successfully deposited on glass substrates by chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) technique at substrate temperature of (400 °C) and thickness of about 300 nm. The structural and optical properties of these films have been studied using XRD, AFM, and UV-Visible spectroscopy. The XRD results showed that all films are polycrystalline in nature with cubic structure and preferred orientation along (111) plane. The crystallite size was calculated using Scherrer formula and it is found that the undoped NiO sample has maximum crystallite size (51.16 nm). AFM results showed homogenous and smooth thin films. The absorbance and transmittance spectra have been recorded in the wavelength range of (300-900) nm in order to study the optical properties. The optical energy gap for allowed direct electronic transition was calculated using Tauc equation. It is found that the band gap decreases as the Co-concentration increases and the band gap values were in the range of 3.58-3.66 eV and 3.58 eV for the prepared Nickel-Cobalt Oxide thin films. The Urbach energy increases as the Co-concentration increases and the Urbach. The optical constants including (absorption coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant) were also calculated as a function of photon energy. Refractive index and extinction coefficient for Nickel- Cobalt Oxide thin films were estimated as a function of wavelength.
أ.د ابراهيم رمضان عاكول (69 بحث)
Influence of Flourine Content on physical characterization of Sprayed CdO
2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources

synthesis, characterization and optoelectronic properties of solar cells Device for vacuum Thermally Evaporated pure and Fallium Doped Cdse Thin Films
2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources
Investigation of Nanostructured NiO and Au Doped NiO thin Films by SPT
2021 First international virtual conference on environment & Natural Resources
م. د. اوس خوام محمد (0 بحث)
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م.د. عماد نصيف كشكول (6 بحث)
Effect of thickness (ZnO:B) prepare by LPCVD on the electrical and optical properties for Si solar cell application 
2023 AIP
We are studying in this research, the optimization of thickness of ZnO:B thin films with respect to its usage as a contact layer for silicon solar cells with large area obtained by (LPCVD) to increase the efficiency of Si solar cell. The electrical and optical properties of ZnO:B thin film electrodes with a differences thickness (0.2,0.5,1,1.6 µm) prepared by LPCVD method are studied, where, the transmittance is significantly reduced as the film thickness increases, diffuse transmittance and HAZE factor was decreased, where the best value in 1.6 µm approach 18.2% and sheet resistance about 18Ω. The optical band gap (Eg) was gradually lowered to 3.2 eV to further increase the film thickness to 1.6 µm. The best J-V characteristics was achieved for ZnO:B electrode when thin films thickness (1.6 µm) thus, recording higher efficiency approach (7.58%) and fill factor (0. 5).
2021 Minar
We are studying the effect of the deposition temperature on the optical properties for ZnO:B thin films on glass substrates obtained bylow pressure chemical viper deposition (LPCVD), to develop layers with characteristics that best meet the requirements for use in solar cell.According to the depositiontemperaturein the range ( 185-195 ℃), we obtainedthat ,when (T=195℃),the optimum value of the Haze factor about 25.7% ,ZnO:B thin film thickness increased, which leads to decrease the value of sheet resistance,and the transmittance decreases ,so the optimum temperature in the range (90- 95℃). Key words: Zinc Oxide, LPCVD ,Solar Cell, Haze Factor.
Formation of the thin film heterostructures CuO/ZnO by RF magnetron sputtering powder targets
2018 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering
Method for forming thin film heterostructures ZnO/CuO in a single technological cycle with vacuum circuit with use RF magnetron reactive sputtering of copper powder and zinc oxide was offered. The resulting film CuO had band gap of 1.6...1.7 eV and possessed stability up to 350°C. ZnO film had a transparency of 85% in the wavelength range of 400...1100 nm. Selection of medium temperatures for forming the heterostructure (200...250°C) allowed to reduce its series resistance, and the addition of the thin heterojunction structure of the intermediate layer i-ZnO allowed to improve nonlinearity voltage characteristics and improve the photoresponse
ا د كريم علوان محمد الجشعمي (5 بحث)
Leptin Hormone Level Effect on the Nodal Osteoarthritis Patients
2025 J Clin Med Img. 2024; V8(4): 1-4
"Background and Objective: Nodal Osteoarthritis (NOA) is known as cartilage loss disease in hand-finger joints that relates to the production many of inflammatory responses. The objective of this study was to determine the role serum leptin level in the development of nodal osteoarthritis disease."
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Assessment of Cobalt II Adsorption Using Green Synthesized NiO/γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles
2025 Vol. 4 (2025): Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias
"ntroduction: Disposal of heavy metals into the water as a result of industrial development might cause a threat Health and the environment. aim of this study was to assess the uptake of Co2+ from aqueous solutions via NiO/ γ-Al2O3 nano catalysts. Methods: The main variables that affect the percentage of metal removal were assessed. It took about 50 minutes to attain equilibrium for the elimination of Co+2 ions. It was discovered that raising the adsorbate concentration and increasing the surface weight somewhat lowered the removal of cobalt ions. Results: The removal of cobalt ions was shown to depend on temperature,due to ecothermic natural of this prosess increasing temperature associated with decrease the elemination . Conclusions: The adsorption seems to be spontaneous, exothermic, and less random according to calculated values of the thermodynamic functions (∆G, ∆H, and ∆S) of the adsorption. After the data were fitted into a number of kinetic models, including the Elovich model, pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, and intraparticle diffusion equations, it was discovered that the pseudo-second-order model performed the best at describing the adsorption, with a high correlation factor (R2). "
Immunopathological Responses to the Bovine Mastitis Associated with Staphylococcus Species Infection
2022 Vol. 46 No. 2 (2022): Iraqi J. Vet. Med
"ovine mastitis is a disease that concerns animals' welfare and increases the economic production losses. Bacterial agents such as Staphylococcus species are the main causative agent of bovine mastitis. This bacterial agent expresses some inflammatory cytokines that might enhance the cell-mediated, which may promote the pathogenesis of mastitis. The objective of the current study was to investigate the bovine innate immune response circulating levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. A total of 10 mL of milk specimens were collected randomly from 100 clinically mastitic cows, and another 20 clinically healthy cows were considered as a control group for the California Mastitis test. The microbiological cultures of milk specimens were performed. The interleukins (ILs)that involved IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 were detected using the ELISA test for the evaluation of the pro-inflammatory bovine mastitis pathophysiology. The results of this study showed that Staphylococcus aureus detection was in 31.2% of mastitic milk and 8.7% of non-mastitic milk specimens; and the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was detected in 14.8% and 18.7% in the mastitic and non-mastitic milk specimens, respectively. The IL-6 level was shown significantly higher (P<0.05)in the specimens of mastitic milk (194±12.8 pg/mL) compared to the non-mastitic milk (31±2.9 pg/mL). In conclusion, the elevated level of expression of IL-6 cytokine in the milk of cows with mastitis suggested that IL-6 might be used as a potentially suitable biomarker for early bovine mastitis diagnosis"
م.م.كريم طالب حمود (0 بحث)
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م.م سيف خليل جاسم (6 بحث)
Preparation and Study Ag Nanoparticles via PLAL Technique: Influence of Different Number of Pulses
2024 International journal of nanoelectronics and materials
" Using a quick, easy, and effective one-step synthesis method called Q-switched neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd: YAG)-pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL), silver nanoparticles (NPs) are physically created. By using a pulsed laser at 532 nm to vaporize a metallic target (in this case, silver) submerged in deionized water, silver colloidal solutions are separately created. Laser parameters pulse of number (100, 200, and 300 pulse/sec) with constant ablation energy 500 mJ. The cubic crystalline structure of Ag particles was revealed by XRD, along with the formation of a pure cubic crystal structure of Ag particles and another cubic crystal structure attributed to AgO particles. The subsequent FESEM images showed the formation of highly spherical crystals (mean diameter 25.003 nm, 24.43 nm, and 9.75 nm). UV-Vis analysis reveals the absorption band of Ag NPs at (407, 406, and 404 nm), and the energy gap was (2.74, 2, 79, and 2.95 eV) respectively. The diagnosis of spherical colloidal Ag-NPs was approved by FESEM, and the PL spectra show two peaks at 320 and 639 nm, confirming the purity of the produced Ag-NPs. It is clear that the possibility of using the prepared nanoparticle in optoelectronics applications such as optical detectors, solar cells, and optical sensors. "
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Pulsed Laser Ablation and its Study Physical and Mechanical Properties
2024 international journal of nanoelectronics and materials
In this work, the pulsed laser ablation technique was used, which is considered a good and distinctive method. Gold nanoparticles (AuNP) were prepared using an Nd-YAG laser with specific parameters, wavelength 1064 nm, constant ablation energy 1000 mJ, frequency 1 Hz, and different number of pulses (300, 600, and 900 pulse/sec). Deionized water was used as the medium liquid. The purpose of this study was to examine the change in these parameters on AuNP using a variety of Xrd, FESEM, Uv-Vis, force-hardness, and compression measurements. The pure cubic crystal structure of gold nanoparticles was analyzed using XRD. Subsequent FESEM images (average diameters 78.07nm, 49.15nm, 37.67nm) indicate that the particles had highly spherical and quasi-spherical shapes. Using ultraviolet analysis, the absorption band of gold nanoparticles was found and the wavelength was (518, 519, 524) nanometers, respectively. There were three different power gaps (1.895, 2.005, and 2.084) eV. In addition, mechanical property tests were conducted, where 2 ml of gold nanoparticles were mixed with (3 grams) of traditional dental filling. The hardness value increased by (3%). The results also showed an increase in the stress and strain value and an increase in Young’s modulus. Hence, an increase in the compressive strength. This indicates that AuNP affects the mechanical properties and enhances their effectiveness.
Zinc Oxide Poly Crystals Heterojunction and Infrared-Blind UV-Photodetector
2024 journal of nano- and electronic physics
" In this work, we used electrochemical etching of p-type silicon wafers for 10 min at a current density of 10 mA cm – 2 to obtain p-type porous silicon. Zinc oxide nanoparticles were produced using a chemical precipitation method (CPM) and applied to (glass, PSi) substrates using (DCM). XRD and UV-Vis have also been used to study the properties of films (structural and optical). According to the XRD data, the ZnO NPs are wurtzite-structured polycrystalline, with a favored orientation along the (101) plane. The size of the ZnO NP crystals was measured by the Scherrer formula and the crystal size was found to be 22.04 nm. Images and distribution plots obtained using atomic force microscopy (AFM) indicated that the p-PSi had a particle size of approximately 47.22 nm and a porosity of (48 %). An ultraviolet (MS) detector based on porous (Si)/ZnO NPs (metal semiconductor) was fabricated at a temperature of (85 °C). The fabricated device showed a maximum detector photoresponse of 2.08 A/W at a wavelength of 450 nm at a bias voltage (+ 3.35 V). The factory-made UV ZnO detector has a normalized detection (D* ) of approximately (2.9 x 1013) cm. 1/2 Hz/W at (λ = 450 nm). This approach provides an economical substrate and a facile synthetic method for optimizing the growth of pPSi/ZnO NPs, This has led to the successful fabrication of nanoscale photodetectors with potential applications for nanoscale photodetectors is displayed. "
م.م.اسكندر علي عزيز (1 بحث)
2021 Turkish journal physiotherapy and rehabilitation
"ADIATION DOSE RISKS ESTIMATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH COMMON CT EXAMINATIONS OF CHEST IN SOME OF IRAQI GOVERNATES Iskander Ali Aziz1 , Aysar Sabah Keiteb2 , Amal Faisal Jaffar 3 1Diyala Health Department / Radiology Unit / Diyala, Iraq 2Middle Technical University (MTU), College of Health and Medical Technology, Dept. Radiology Technology / Baghdad, Iraq 3Middle Technical University (MTU), Institute of Medical Technology - Baghdad e-mail: draysaralnidawi@mtu.edu.iq ABSTRACT Purpose: To estimate how much radiation exposure can be associated with CT examinations of the chest. The study is associated with that most commonly performed in Bagdad, Diyala, and Babylon region hospitals, in order to assess the radiation dose and to determine, whether it is within the permissible levels set buy CT scan machine manufacturers, and to estimate variation across study types, patients, and Hospitals, and to find out the best type of CT device that gives the least dose exposure of radiation among the three used machines. Methods: This study was conducted on 147 consecutive patients (75 males and 72 female) at an age ranged 2-90 years cases, were examined by three CT scan companies; (Toshiba, Siemens, and Philips) The examinations were conducted for the chest in each device. Dose information were taken from the protocols designated for each machine, which is the calculation of DLP, CTDI of each CT machine. And comparing it with global doses to know the dose for each device. Also, use the dosing meter to examine the dose directly for each patient, which is a type of Gama Scout. It was also compared to the global doses of Table 103 for the year 2007. Results: The DLP was compared with each device data, after converting the recorded dose to millisieverts for each device to identify the average dose, the following values were obtained, The Toshiba, Philips and Siemens, 10.046 mSv, 9.814 mSv, 5.171mSv respectively. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that; amount of radiation exposure was higher than the permissible limit according to the radiation protection law in 3 governorates for the chest examination, the study also found a disparity between the devices, and Siemens CT machines, found to be the lowest in terms of dose exposure limits. Keywords: Computed tomography (CT) "
م.م محمد عبد الرحمن محسن (0 بحث)
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م.م محمد طالب عبد (1 بحث)
Improvement of optical properties of ZnO/ PVA nanocomposites
2023 AIP Conf. Proc
The polymer nanocomposites (PVA-ZnO) were prepared by adding different concentrations nanoparticles with weight ratios (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 wt %) in a polyvinyl alcohol mixture using the casting method for studying their optical characteristics. The results of transmittance and absorbance spectra were recorded in the wavelength range (190-1100) nm. The effect of the weight ratio of the ZnO nanoparticles on the optical parameters (transmittance, absorption coefficient) of polymer composite (ZnO-PVA) has been studied, The practical results showed that transmittance of polymer composites films (ZnO-PVA) decreases with the increase of the weight ratio of (ZnO) NPs, while the absorption coefficient increases with increasing the weight ratio of the (ZnO) NPs. The results also revealed that electronic transitions are indirect, and that the energy gap decreases with increasing the weight ratio of the (ZnO) NPs, while Urbach's energy increases with the increase of the weight ratio of nano (ZnO). The Fourier transform infrared spectrum showed the presence of (Zn-O) group in the (PVA-ZnO) nanocomposites.
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الطبية والصحية

ا.د.عدنان نعمه عبدالرضا البيضاني (1 بحث)
Comparative Study Immune Indication in The Serum OF Patients With Type 1 Diabetes
2024 European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
"ABSTRACT Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) is achronic autoimmune disease ،characterized by the destruction of pancreatic β-cells, that produce insulin in specific areas of the pancreas, known as islets of Langerhans, leading to insulin deficiency. The study aimed to comparison of levels of IL-6, CRP and Immunoglobulin (IgM, IgG, IgA) in the serum of patients and healthy controls, And study the influence of age and gender on the prevalence of T1DM. the present study was conducted in Baquba Teaching Hospital / Diyala province for the time period from January and the last day of February 2023. A blood sample was taken from 50 volunteers(30 T1DM patients and 20 healthy people) aged between (1-75) years. Serum concentrat of IL-6 indicators within samples were investigated by Sandwich ELISA, the latex agglutination test was used to examine CRP, And measuring the concentration of immunoglobulin (IgA, IgM, IgG) in the serum of patients and healthy people. Results of present study showed there is (1-20) years age group scored highest percentage 43.3% of patients 0(p<0.05). the difference between males than females were no significant (p>0.o05). The results also showed an increase in IL-6 levels in patientsin T1DM patients (71.36±25.09) than healthy (17.11±8.84) with significant different (p<0.05). There was also a significant difference (p<0.05) in the CRP positivity and negativity, between T1DM patients compared to healthy people. The results also showed raised levels of IgG, IgM, IgA in T1DM patients (2116.22±871.70, 2035.27±901.18, 1894.13 ±622.33) than healthy (1916.35±791.96, 242.50±103.01, 432.14±189.82) with significant different (p<0.05). The study found that there are significant differences in the age factor, while there are no clear differences in the gender factor, and that sick samples had higher amounts of IL-6, CRP and immunoglobulin (IgM, IgG,IgA) than healthy control samples. KEYWORDS: Type 1 diabetes, interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, Immunoglobulin"
م. م. علي قاسم محمد جواد السعدي (1 بحث)
Evaluation the Biocompatibility and Hardness of 3D printed Resin Material with Different Times and Many Rinsing Solutions
2024 AIP Conferance procedings
Abstract. A total 70 samples Disks shape were designed to testes. Gingival fibroblasts of human (Manassas, VA, USA) and MTT assay were applied to measurement of toxic substances or biocompatibility test after washing in (10 and 30min) with (Isopropyl alcohol and Ethyl alcohol). Non washing as a control group in (distilled water). The purpose of the study evaluation the effect of two different types of the alcohols on surface deformation, hardness, and cell viability, of 3D-printed dental resin materials that use to denture base. The mean and standard deviation of shore D hardness were recorded for 10min (CTR, IPA, ETOH) (82.59±2.04,79.21±2.39,76.16±2.37), for 30min (82.59±2.04,76.16±2.57,75.99±2.28). The cell viability highest mean recorded in30min (81.24%,79.05%) with (IPA, ETOH). and (CTR)lowest mean (20.67%). In this study appear significant effect the washing solutions and time on biocompatibility as well as no significant effect on surface texture and hardness of 3d resin materials.
م.م عمرابراهيم احمد (3 بحث)
MTA1 Expression Correlates Significantly with Histologic Grade in Salivary Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
2018 Diyala Journal of Medicine
Correlates Significantly with Histologic Grade in Salivary Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Omar I Ahmed (BDS)1,Lehadh M Al-Azzawi (PhD)2 and Mustafa G Taher (PhD)3 Abstract Background: Metastasis associated protein-1 (MTA1) has been a recently identified as a unique gene playing important role in tumorigenesis and progression of cancer cells. Objective:To evaluate MTA1 expression and its predictive value in determining histologic grade of salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). Patients and Methods: MTA1 expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded tumor specimens blocks from 22 patients. Assessment of MTA1 immunostaining was achieved by counting the proportion of positively-stained tumor cells in 5 high power microscopic fields; and staining was analyzed in relation to clinicopathological variables. Results: MTA1 show nuclear and cytoplasmic expression in varying intensity in 95% of cases. No significant correlation was found between MTA1expression and age, gender, site of the tumor (p>0.05). However, statistically significant correlation was found between MTA1expression and clinical stage, nodal involvement (p=0.009 and 0.007; respectively). Regarding histologic grade, high MTA1 level was significantly associated with grade of tumors categorized by Auclair and Brandwein systems (<0.001 and 0.009; respectively). Conclusion:MTA1 expression significantly correlates with tumor grade and progression, and has a potential role in diagnosis and prediction of behavior in salivary MEC. Keywords: Salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma, MTA1, Tumor grade, Metastasis.
Salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma, auclair vs brandwein grading system: A histopathological comparative study
2020 J Bagh College Dentistry
ABSTRACT Background: The grading systems of salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma depend on different histologic and morphologic features. The aim of this study was to compare between Auclair and Brandwein systems according to their histologic criteria, and the type of cell predominant. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one case included hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) stained tissue slides that were diagnosed as MEC, originally categorized into low and high grade type regardless of the grading system, have meticulously undergone histopathologic review. The sample was graded according to criteria owing to Auclair and Brandwein methods. The predominant type of cells was determined by microscopic examination according to grade of tumor. Results: Regarding the Auclair method, 10 cases (47.6%) were low grade tumor, 11 cases (52.2%) were high grade type and none of them were intermediate type. By using Brandwein system for the same sample, 4 cases (19%) were low grade, 13 cases (61%) were a high grade tumor, and 4 cases (19%) were intermediate type. Even though, for both systems more than 35% of cases were predominated with epidermoid cells, and <15% showed mucous and intermediate cell predominance for each, whereas >30% were exhibited a mixed type of tumor cells. However, there was a significant correlation between the grading systems applied and the type of cell predominance (p-value <0.05). Conclusion: The number of cases distributed according to Brandwein system was increased as the level of histologic grade being raised, and the type of cells, which are relatively predominant, may be valuable in determining the histologic grade of
MTA1 expression in salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma: with special emphasis on grading systems
2019 journal of International Dental and Medical Research
"Background: Metastasis-associated protein-1 (MTA1) has been recently identified as a unique gene which plays a key role in tumorigenesis and progression of cancer cells. The object behind this study is to evaluate MTA1 immunoexpression and its relationship with predictive value of point- based grading systems in salivary mucoepidermoid carcinoma . Materials and methods: A total of 22 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens of mucoepidermoid carcinoma were prepared for immunohistochemical staining with MTA1 antibodies. Assessment of MTA1 immunostaining was achieved by counting the proportion of positively-stained tumor cells in 5 high power fields; and staining was analyzed in relation to tumor grading systems and other clinicopathologic features. Results: MTA1 showed nuclear and cytoplasmic expression in varying intensity in 95% of cases. Non- significant correlation was found between MTA1expression and age, gender, site of the tumor (p>0.05). However, statistically significant correlation was observed between MTA1expression and clinical stage, as well, to nodal involvement (p=0.009 and 0.007; respectively). Regarding histologic grade, high MTA1 level was significantly associated with grade of tumors categorized by Auclair and Brandwein systems (p=0.001 and 0.009; respectively). Conclusion: MTA1 expression significantly correlates with tumor grade and progression, and it has a potential role to predict the prognosis of salivary MEC."
م.م رشا محمد زوير (4 بحث)
Assessment the retentive force and XRD analysis on the recycling esthetic thermoplastic acetal clasps
2024 Brazilian dental science
"Objective: To reduce environmental biohazards, technicians should be educated with safe biological waste disposal procedures and dental material recycling. The present study assesses the retentive force, deformation test and XRD analysis of re-injection acetal resin clasps. Material and Methods: specimens were prepared for clasp retention test injection according to the manufacture’s instruction for acetal resin. The first group represent control group with (100% New) and other five groups as experimental groups (group II (25% old +75% new), group III (50% old + 50%) new, and group IV (75% old + 25% new) with different percentages between new acetal materials and old acetal materials, while two last groups with several times (group V (100% old) and group VI (re-injection two times)) only used old acetal materials. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) device used to give structural information for the materials to be tested. The study data were analyzed via One-way ANOVA (LSD) at a significant P-value of (p≤0.05) and a confidence level of 95%. Results: After comparing the results, a significant improvement in the retentive force of acetal clasp specimens after re-injection two times there was found high mean value in group re-injection two times and lower mean value recorded in control group. In XRD patterns of there was no diffraction peak refers to crystal structure of acetal resin. Conclusion: the present study findings concluded that the recycling of acetal resin enhanced the retentive force of acetal clasp and not affected on the crystal structures of material."
Recycling acetal resin as material for dental
2024 AIP Conf. Pro.
"Background: To reduce environmental biohazards, technicians should be educated with safe biological waste disposal procedures and dental material recycling. Objective: To evaluate the impact strength and apparent porosity of re- injection acetal resin in different percentages or several times. Materials and methods: Sixty specimens were prepared with dimension (65mm × 10 mm × 2 mm) length, width and thickness for impact test and fifty -four-disc specimens with dimensions (20±1 mm in diameter x 0.5 mm in thickness) for apparent porosity test and injection according to the manufacture’s instruction for acetal resin as denture base materials. The first group represent control group with (100% New) and other five groups as experimental groups. The old material is preparation by acetal sprue is collected and cutting by cutter and re-injection with new acetal resin. 07 May 2024 20:56:06 Results: After comparing the results of impact strength a significant difference in the impact strength of control (80.75±9.133) and re-injection groups. On other hand significant differences of apparent porosity test of all study groups. Conclusion: Recycling acetal resin as denture base that reduces the impact strength when increase using old material, on other hand the apparent porosity is increase after one month and decrease after one day."
Esthetic Removable Partial Dentures Constructed by Recycling Acetal Resin (Case Report)
2023 Journal of Chemical Health Risks
"To reduce environmental biohazards, technicians should be educated with safe biological waste disposal procedures and dental material recycling. The best and most suitable preference treatment for these individuals to replace their missing teeth with improved aesthetics is thought to be aesthetic removable partial dentures, or RPDs. The clasp assemblies' display was one of the main issues with RPDs. Acetal resins have superior dimensional stability and reduced creep at higher pressing temperatures compared to nylon. An in vitro study found that acetal occlusal rests can support distal-extension RPDs for up to three years. Various scientific investigations have experimented with numerous approaches to recycle and reuse the resources they use on every day. In this article made removable partial denture from re- injected acetal resin, constructed the restorations according to manufacturer instructions and collected the reused acetal resin by cutting sprue injected acetal by using a cuter. The result of this study that found the acetal resin can be re-injected and reused in any case without any problems."
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الطبية والصحية

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أ. م. د. خلف درويش فاضل غدير (4 بحث)
Transmission of polar effects
2023 International j. of app. sci. and tech.
دراسة عن تاثير المجاميع المعوضه لمركبات الداي فينايل استيلين ودرجة الاس الهيدروجيني للاحماض الكاربوكسيلية
Transmission of polar effects
2023 MINAR, international journal of applied sciences and technology
دراسة تأثير الانتقال القطبي للمجاميع المعروضه المركبات الداي فينايل استيلين الكاربوكسيليه وتبين من هذه الدراسة تأثير المجموعه المعروضه حسب الترتيب الفراغ للمركبات العضويه الاعاقه الفراغيه.
Leptin hormone level effect on the nodal Osteoarthritis patients
2024 Journal of clinical and Medical lmages
دراسة تأثير مستوى هرمون اللبن على المفاصل وتبين من خلال الدراسة زيادة نسبته تأثر على المفاصل.
م. م زينب عدنان حسين (0 بحث)
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بحوث التدريسيين لـ التقنيات الطبية والصحية

أ.م.د.احمد حسين قاسم (14 بحث)
The Expression of Neogene TIGD3 that Derived from DNA Transposons in Colorectal Cancer Cell lines
2022 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Abstract DNA transposons are exposed to a molecular domestication process, which results in the formation of neogenes, which may play a role in human genetic instability. TIGD3 (Tigger-derived [TIGD] family of proteins) is one of these Neogene, and its role in the human genome is unknown. Aim: The expression of Neogene TIGD3 in colorectal cancer cell lines and its putative function in carcinogenesis are being investigated. Method: The protein expression of the TIGD3 gene was investigated using the western blot method in twelve colorectal cancer cell lines (HCT116, SW48, LOVO, DLD1) that are microsatellite instable MSI, (SW480, SW620, HT29, LS123, COLO205, T84, SW403, SW1463) that are microsatellite stable MSS, and in healthy colon tissue as a control in our study. Results: The expression of the TIGD3 protein was found in all twelve colorectal cancer cell lines, with varying degrees of expression and numerous isoforms, which was not found in healthy colon tissue. Conclusion: There may be a link between colorectal cancer evolution or progression and TIGD3 gene expression
A group of Iraqi patients with type II diabetes mellitus have a correlation between HbA1c, lipids, and thyroid hormone
2023 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Abstract Background: The objectives of this study were to: (1) find out the levels of thyroid hormones, lipid profile, and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in diabetic patients type II; and (2) examine the relationship between thyroid hormones and HbA1c, as well as distinctive sorts of lipids and HbA1c in the patient groups. Materials and Methods: A retrospective chart review study for the group of patient’s vs control was carried out at Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad Al-Karkh, Iraq. From December 2020 to February 2022, 100 male and female patients with type II diabetes mellitus and 100 non- diabetic males and females as controls were included, respectively, in this study. The biochemical laboratory tests were obtained from a laboratory database of the hospital. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 21 to estimate the P-value from the T-test of independent groups. Results: For the patient groups compared with the control groups, there was an increase in the mean levels of both HbA1c (7.84%) and TSH (7.65 μlU/ml), while T4 (10.31 μg/dl) and T3 (1.44 ng/ml) were normal. It also increased mean levels of triglycerides (191.46 mg/dl) and normal total cholesterol (185.94 mg/dl). The results of the patient groups showed an insignificant correlation between HbA1c and TSH (P = 0.96844) and a significant correlation between HbA1c with T4 and T3 (P = 0.00323) and (P = 0.00001) respectively. Significant and positive relationship between HbA1c and total cholesterol and triglycerides (P = 0.00001), (P = 0.00001) respectively. Conclusion: Increased blood glucose did not cause the anterior pituitary gland to enhance TSH production, although there was a clear link between increased glycemic index and the rate of thyroxin secretion. Furthermore, there is a link between blood glucose and several lipid markers, according to the findings.
Nuclear Apoptosis-Inducing Factor1 (NAIF1) expression in Glioma cell lines
2022 IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Abstract The neogenic recombinases could be a source of genetic variety, and they could be involved in the pathways of genetic instability in carcinogenesis. The nuclear apoptosis-inducing factor 1 (NAIF1), which codes the protein NAIF1 that triggers apoptosis in several human malignancies, is one of these neogenic recombinases. The purpose of this research is to look at the expression of the NAIF1 neogene in seven different glioma cell lines (H4, HS683, 42-MG-BA, A172, U87MG, U118MG, SK-N-MC).The protein expression of the NAIF1 gene in samples of protein isolated from various glioma cell lines was investigated using the western blot method.The findings revealed that while NAIF1 protein expression was observed in all cell lines, it was moderately expressed in all primary non-metastatic cell lines and very weakly expressed in one cell line generated from a metastatic site, SK-N-MC.It can be concluded that NAIF1 protein expression is negatively related to advanced cancer stage or grade, and that it may have a role in suppression of cancer proliferation, migration, and invasion via inducing apoptosis.
م. د.كريم عطاالله احمد (0 بحث)
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