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Lectures Collage of Dentistry

Collage of Dentistry - 3 rd - 2024-2025 - 90 Lecture

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

0000-00-00 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 15 time

طب اسنان المجتمع

Dental public health

0001-01-01 - Widyan Abbas Ahmed - 23 time

طب اسنان المجتمع

Occupation Hazards in Dentistry

0001-01-01 - Widyan Abbas Ahmed - 22 time

طب اسنان المجتمع

Dental Caries indices

0001-01-01 - Widyan Abbas Ahmed - 23 time

طب اسنان المجتمع

Epidemiology of periodontal disease

0001-01-01 - Widyan Abbas Ahmed - 20 time

طب اسنان المجتمع

Environment and Health

0001-01-01 - Widyan Abbas Ahmed - 22 time

اشعة الفم

علم الاشعة

2024-09-16 - Assistsnt teacher ryaheen ghazi rashid - 27 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

Oral Diagnosis part 1

2024-09-22 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 27 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology

Introduction of pathology

2024-09-23 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 25 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology

Bacterial cell

2024-09-23 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 24 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

Oral Diagnosis part 2

2024-09-29 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 26 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology


2024-10-02 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 25 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology

Bacterial Cell Wall

2024-10-02 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

Infection Control

2024-10-06 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 27 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology


2024-10-09 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology

Bacterial Growth

2024-10-09 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery


2024-10-13 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 27 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology

Cellular Damge

2024-10-16 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology


2024-10-16 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

Extraction forceps

2024-10-20 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 29 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology


2024-10-23 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology


2024-10-23 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

The technique of forceps extraction

2024-10-27 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 27 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology


2024-10-30 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 22 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology


2024-10-30 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

Dental Elevators

2024-11-03 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 30 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology

Hallmarks of cancer

2024-11-06 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology

Organs of immune system

2024-11-06 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

General Arrangement or Considerations for Extraction

2024-11-10 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 26 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology

Antimicrobial agents

2024-11-12 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology

Hemodynamic Disorders

2024-11-13 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 24 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery

Complications of exodontia

2024-11-17 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 27 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology


2024-11-27 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 24 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology


2024-11-27 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery


2024-12-01 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 28 time

الامراض العامة General Pathology

Genetic Disease

2024-12-04 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

الاحياء المجهرية Microbiology


2024-12-11 - Lecturer Dr. Ali Ghazi Hamdi - 23 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology


2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 13 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology


2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 13 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology

D.cholinergic agonist

2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 13 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology


2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 13 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology

Indirect chol.agonist

2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 14 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology


2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 12 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology


2024-12-12 - لم يتم تحديده - 13 time

اخلاقيات المهنة dental ethics

dental ethics lectures

2024-12-12 - Assist. Lecturer. Anaam Mahdi Hadi - 20 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Ch-Co Removable Partial Denture

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 17 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 15 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 13 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

تيجان وجسور Crown & Bridge

Crown & Bridge

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 15 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 15 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 13 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 15 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 16 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 14 time

حشوات الاسنان Operative

Operative 3

2024-12-12 - Ali Sa'ad Abu Naila - 13 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 22 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 22 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 19 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 21 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 22 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 22 time

علم الادوية Pharmacology

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 22 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 22 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 23 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

التعويضات الصناعية Prosthodontics

Prosthodontics 1

2024-12-12 - Assistant lecture.Wedyan Yaseen Hasan - 24 time

جراحة الفم Oral Surgery


2024-12-15 - Assistant Lecturer Thoulfokar Shokor mahmood - 27 time

Collage of Dentistry - 3 rd - Last year 2023-2024 - 0 lectures
There are no lectures
Collage of Dentistry - 3 rd - older - 0 lectures
There are no lectures
