About Bilad Alrafidain University
The Bilad Alrafidain University is a private academic institution for higher education with public benefit, established in Diyala Governorate - Baqubah in accordance with the order issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (Sh.Z/10/1/8/599) on 01/08/2014 in accordance with the Law of Establishing Private Colleges and Universities No. (13) of 1996 as amended and transformed into a university on 07/28/2024. The Bilad Alrafidain University seeks to provide its educational services using scientific methods and modern technology, and for its curricula to keep pace with the latest global developments, their applications and their impact on society. It aims to provide students with the information they need in all scientific, educational and research fields in a way that achieves continuous communication between them and society, and in a way that contributes to achieving the goals of economic and social development in Iraq. The Bilad Alrafidain University aims to be an institution of higher education that grants degrees according to the latest teaching methods and advanced scientific curricula. The student comes first in the university\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s priorities, as it works to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among students, united by the love of work and the desire to develop their personal and mental abilities to be active members of society. The university is aware of its pioneering role in the whole society, and therefore it strives to create a general atmosphere for the student to build his intellectual abilities according to the correct logical and scientific foundations. It has also prepared specialized scientific cadres with doctorate degrees and seeks to develop them continuously by concluding partnership agreements with some well-known international universities. Mesopotamia considers scientific research a field of utmost priority that requires development and expansion for the benefit of students, faculty members, the college as a whole, and even society in general. This is clearly demonstrated by holding seminars and conferences periodically, supporting and publishing scientific research, providing a database on the research movement in the college, and encouraging research projects that benefit society.

Speech of the President of the University
Speech of the University President With all due praise and thanks to God Almighty for His success for us, and thanks and gratitude to everyone who contributed to this plan, a new strategy has been prepared to develop the University of Bilad Alrafdain from the year (2021) to the year (2026) based on an analysis of the circumstances surrounding the college, and based on the achievements and successes achieved by the university in higher education, scientific research and institutional development. The new college\\'s vision, mission and governing core values have become a real motivation for all university members to implement the new university strategy, in addition to its reliance on a comprehensive and accurate strategic analysis and with the aim of achieving the strategic goals of providing the best educational level for its students and creating a scientific research environment that is compatible with the developments taking place in the higher education sector globally. The path taken by the college is full of achievements of creativity and solid in the relations of trust with the esteemed Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on the one hand and with the community to take the reasons for development and advancement on the other hand, and while it is keen to look forward, it always seeks to fulfill its educational and national obligations to reach sound performance and crown this effort with leadership in medical, engineering, scientific and human specialties locally, regionally and internationally. Here it is necessary to point out the efforts made by the workers in this academic institution, thanks to whom our university has obtained an advanced classification locally and globally in areas that open up horizons for it to lead and qualify with merit, including the Webometrics World University Ranking. The college seeks to enter other global classifications in addition to achieving advanced ranks in the Iraqi classification of private universities and colleges that will be approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, while giving the concept of quality of educational laboratories the necessary attention so that the college laboratories are a distinguished model among the laboratories of higher education institutions in Iraq. In light of all that has been mentioned, the quality and academic and qualitative accreditation of the university\\'s outputs remain a fertile source for all that is ambitious. The last thing that deserves mention is the mechanism of academic cooperation through twinning with government colleges, which, thank God, we have continued to excel in and we are working hard to raise its level in the coming years. Finally, the college aspires to be a major and effective factor in the university institution and we ask God Almighty to be able to participate in building scientific and educational edifices, appreciating the efforts of all those working in it, professors, researchers and students. We ask God to grant us success and guide our steps on the path of knowledge and science ... May God grant everyone success in all good.
Strategic Plan of the Bilad Alrafidain University
In the belief of the presidency of the Bilad Alrafidain University in the importance of following the scientific method in preparing its strategy (2021-2026), strategic planning lays the foundations that ensure the improvement of services, the provision of support for staff and their development, while increasing the ability to deal with external risks and thus contributing to the management of services.
University life
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Iraq - Baqubah