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graduates Department of Anesthesia Techniques - 2022-2023

top graduates Department of Anesthesia Techniques

graduates Department of Anesthesia Techniques - 2022-2023
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
نريمان نصيف شهاب حمد Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 Excellence
نورس حميد ابراهيم مطرود Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 Excellence
هدى عباس فيحان صكبان Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
امنه علي خضير صالح Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
طيبه منير خلف ابراهيم Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
مريم سلام عبد الله جواد Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
عبد القادر ثاير مراد حسين Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
ساره ياسر جعفر شهاب Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
عمر موفق رحيم ابراهيم Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
زهراء ثابت هاشم محمد Department of Anesthesia Techniques 2022-2023 very good
