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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2019-2020

top graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2019-2020
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
دينا سركوت محمد قادر Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 very good
علي سعد محيميد عواد Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 good
لينا ناصر منصور حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 good
دنيا جواد كاظم حمد Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 good
ساره سالم خلف مهدي Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 good
ايفان قحطان شاكر حمودي Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 good
الاء قاسم عبدالخالق حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 middle
سهاد عدنان محمد علي Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 middle
زهراء احمد نجم عبود Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 middle
ندى احمد عبد الكريم حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2019-2020 middle
