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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2023-2024

graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2023-2024
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
مروه محمود علي طه Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 Excellence
وجدان لفته عباس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 Excellence
اريام احمد موسى صبر Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 Excellence
اسراء عباس مسلم غلام Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 very good
زينب عبدالرحيم علي مردان علي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 very good
مروه حوميد شلو حاجي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 very good
رسل موفق علي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 very good
سناء عباس هادي اسماعيل Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 very good
غدير خالد حسن قادر Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
سرى عامر كاظم حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
انس عبدالرحمن حسين علي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
نور رفعت شاكر محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
ايه مؤيد حسون زيدان Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
رفل عمر كريم احمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
محمد عبدالرزاق عبدالكاظم جميل Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
زينب فؤاد شاكر محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
زهراء ماجد مهدي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
مرتضى حسين علي هادي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
فاطمه حمدي مهدي صالح Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
تبارك زيدان خلف خالد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
تبارك ياسر محي الدين لفته Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
فاطمه ماجد حسين الياس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
حراء عماد الطيف عباس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 good
زهراء علي شوكت Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله جعفر تايه عربيد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
زهراء لؤي كريم ابراهيم Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
بلال ثامر محمد مهدي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
زينه طلال محمد سمين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
دنيا احمد حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ساره حسين علي مراد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
رفل نصيف جاسم محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
حوراء محمد صالح ابراهيم Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
افان نجم عبدالله هواس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
مروه طارق علي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
سجى محمد شكير حمود Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
محمد وسام حكمت حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
اسماء عامر يوسف زباله Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
اسماء فاضل علي حبيب Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
هبه عصام طالب ارزوقي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ايه مقداد حاتم نصيف Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
زهراء رعد سلمان عبد علي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
فاطمه محمود عبدالله اسود Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
مينا عمار نايف احمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
سجى عماد جليل ادهم Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ختام اركان علي حمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ايمان خالد حميد محمود Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
جاسم غايب عبدالله سبع Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
عيسى محمد حسن جاسم Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ايه وليد كامل عبدالمجيد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى حبيب احمد رحمن Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
هدباء فيصل غازي عبدالعزيز Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
محمد احمد عواد عباس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
سرى سالم كريم طه Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
علي سعد قاسم محمد علي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ايهام مهند مهدي فاضل Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
عبدالملك محمد احمد حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
فاطمه محمد علي ويس مراد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
داليا محمد ابراهيم عبدالله Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
امنه محمد حسين خميس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
هند علي عباس زيدان Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ايه ابراهيم جميل حميد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
سجا جاسم محمد عنتاكي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
واثق عبدالرحمن جدعان ابريسم Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ياسر عبدالرحيم علوش حميد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ليلى حيدر حسن احمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
شيماء محمد ياسين بحر Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
اكرم عبدالساده سكران هدرس Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
اسراء صالح محمد شبيب Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
حنين رائد اسماعيل حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
زهراء رياض سعد علوان Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
اطياب عباس عبدالحسين علوان Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
امال محمود كريم محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
ايمن عامر حميد حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
محمد برهان عبدالخالق Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله عباس ابراهيم عبدالمجيد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
حيدر عبدالحكيم كاظم حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
غفران ثائر عدنان علي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 middle
رسول هيثم محسن دليان Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
بكر ضكيان احمد حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
زينب ربيع جاسم محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
كوثر صالح مهدي محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
علي خليل ابراهيم مرهون Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد محمود مسرهد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
وسن حسين غيدان احمد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالهادي نوفل حسيب سلمان Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
عمر مهيمن محمد يوسف Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالسلام عمر علي عبد Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
براق حيدر علي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد رائد حسين كاظم Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
موسى مهدي صالح شاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2023-2024 acceptable
