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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2022-2023

graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2022-2023
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
نسرين اكرام عبدالستار حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 very good
شهد يوسف حسب الله عبد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 very good
نور خالد حمد عبدالله Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 very good
سما سلام مهدي مراد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 very good
ميا مصطفى خليفه حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 very good
محمد حيدر عبدالخالق حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
هند ظاهر عبود حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
مها حبيب جمعة عبدالله Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
وائل خالد فيصل حسون Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
حذيفة عبدالكريم محمود حيدر Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
علي احمد عبدالحسن علي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
حسين عبدالحسن ابراهيم كاظم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
سرى عبدالجبار عبد الرحمان خلف Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
اروه ستار احمد ابراهيم* Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
عز الدين عدنان يوسف احمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
ايات محمد خليل داود Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
علي عامر شمك سيالي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
ايناس عدنان عبد الله كاظم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
زهراء منير سلمان حسن Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
زهراء طه ياسين كاظم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
شيماء محسن قاسم هاشم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
حسن خالد علي زيدان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
نزهت داود علي شلال Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
عمر محمد صيهود محمود Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
اية علي احمد صالح Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
زينب علي صبحي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
نبا طه عباس عنب Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
منى جمال عبدالهادي عبدالرحيم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
ميلاد سالم سلطان عبدالله Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
بافيال امانج جمعه محمد* Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
دعاء علي جمعه رشيد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
نرجس محسن علي نكه Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
نور اسماعيل حسن عباس Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 good
مريم ظافر كاظم حسان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
فاطمة ليث طلال محمود Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
خالده علي صبحي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
زهراء احمد علي محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
زهراء حسن احمد علوان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
محمد عمر محمد عبدالله Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
زهراء احمد بلاسم حميد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
بتول ضاري سلمان خليفة Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
اسماعيل حقي اسماعيل عبدالستار Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
احمد نجم عبد الله يوسف Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
تبارك خليل عبد الستار مجيد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
اشرف صباح ستار عبدالجلال Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
مرتضى عبد شريف جاسم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
منتظر فاضل ستار باشا Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
علي يوسف مبارك نومان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
فاطمة صفاء سمير رحمان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ولاء سلمان احمد ابراهيم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
سفيان جبار محجوب اسماعيل Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
حلا عامر رحيم زيدان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
دعاء يوسف احمد عبد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
خطاب احمد عباس رزيج Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
نبا قيس محمود محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ابو بكر ذياب كامل مجيد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
الاء محمد جبار محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
عائشة سعد ابراهيم محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ساره رفاعي جمعه خلف Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
علي حسين هاشم ياسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
هبه طلب مرشد مجيد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
تبارك عباس محمد عباس Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
اياد كريم محمد حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
نهى احمد حسين عباس Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ايلاف ماجد عباس علي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ماهر نزهان محمد عبدال Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ايه نهاد محمد رحيم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
احمد خالد حمد عبد الله Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
حسن كريم داود سلمان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
جعفر ميثم محسن رشيد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
جاسم محمد حسن علي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
احمد غازي عبد ياس Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
سجى ابراهيم ناموس عبدالكريم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
رقية عدنان مال الله حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
عبدالله سهيل عبدالرزاق عبدالله Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
عدي عبد الخضر صبحي جاسم Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
ضحى ثامر ياسين حمود Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
رسل محمد كامل علوان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
نجلاء يوسف منصور محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
وسام الدين جاسم محمد ناصر Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
هدى نزار كامل هادي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
بلاسم عطا علي حسين Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 middle
نور صلاح كامل هادي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 acceptable
امير هاني محمد علوان Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 acceptable
ايه صلاح نوري علي Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد جميل ابراهيم داود Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 acceptable
زهور مصطفى كريم محمد Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 acceptable
اسامه شدهان حسين لفته Department of English Language and Literature 2022-2023 acceptable
