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graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2014-2015

graduates Department of English Language and Literature

graduates Department of English Language and Literature - 2014-2015
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
اسراء حسن عزاوي عباس الكروي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 Excellence
سالي مجبل سحاب مطر العزاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 Excellence
ضياء هادي مهدي جاسم الزبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 good
عقيل مسلم جاسم حسين الدليمي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 good
عناد جهاد عبد فرهود التميمي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 good
كاثرين جاسم محمد مراد الاركوازي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 good
لبنى علي عبد الرزاق محسن المعموري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 good
بيان إبراهيم ولي مه مه خان الجمور Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
حيدر اسماعيل محمود المكدمي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
عبد الرحمن م70 داود هجول الكرخي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
عبير طالب عبد الحسين علي العزاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
علي محمد سعد الله خليل الشيرني Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
عمر عبد الكريم رشيد عويد العبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
فراس حاتم عيدان عبد النبي الطائي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
ماهر محمد عبود بجاي العتبي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
محمد كريم كرجي نصيف الدليمي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
محمود رشيد سعيد فرمان الزهيري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
مصطفى مهدي مصطفى عبيد العبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
مقداد حسين خضير موسى الجبوري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
نواف مطر نواف طوفان الشمري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
نور عامر لطيف م70 ال يحيى Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
ياسر خضير عباس جاسم العزاوي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 middle
احمد عبد الرزاق احمد حسين العبيدي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
احمد مهدي احمد حسن الشمري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
اسلام اياد ابراهيم ناصر المجمعي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
بلال عبد الله محمود عطية المهداوي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
حيدر عدنان زيدان ابراهيم الربيعي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
سرمد حسن بك مامي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
قيصر احمد اسماعيل راضي الربيعي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
لينا فخري محمد محمود المعموري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
مثنى محمد حسين وحيد Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
مروه ياس خضير فرحان الجبوري Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
ميس مكي محمد جاسم Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
نجوان عبد الهادي محمد سهيل الحيالي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
يعقوب موسى حسن احمدالربيعي Department of English Language and Literature 2014-2015 acceptable
